Last-Minute Necklaces

Gilmore Girls S7 E22 "Bon Voyage"/Buffy S7 E22 "Chosen"Lorelai and Spike receive necklaces from their loves, as well as the bigger expressions of love they've been waiting for. Lorelai and Faith don't have time to be sad, so they channel those emotions into fighting Turok-Hans and power ironing. Rory and Buffy are still conflicted about their love lives, but have come to accept there'll be time for all that later. Both episodes feature callbacks to the ends of the pilots, as well as what we'r...

Om Podcasten

The one and only Gilmore Girls AND Buffy the Vampire Slayer podcast brought to you by comedians/real life couple Bryan Morris & Stacey Kulow. Bryan grew up obsessed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Stacey is a huge Gilmore Girls fan, but neither of them have ever seen the other's favorite show. Together they watch their way through both excellent 7-season series, discussing an episode from each show every week, in an attempt to figure out which show is better. Bryan & Stacey are New York-based writer/performers, both born and raised in the Midwest. They met doing improv in Madison, Wisconsin and have been together for over a decade.