How to get the most out of attending my 2021 Sorted virtual event

Attending my 2021 Sorted virtual event and wondering how to get the most out of the experience? Perhaps you haven’t attended a virtual event before and you’re wondering how to get the most out of the experience. Here’s everything you need to know to get the most out of my 2021 Sorted content planning event. If you're not attending my 2021Sorted virtual event and you'd like to know more about it then head to the links at the end.

{Click on the player above to listen to the podcast episode and/or read on for a detailed overview. Scroll down to the bottom to read the show notes including all the links mentioned in this episode.}

1. Block out Nov 3 and 4 in your diary.

Having a couple of days to work on your business rather (than in it) is a gift. So make sure you've got those days blocked out in the diary and have organised childcare. If you can, book a hotel... although make sure you have decent wifi. Timings: 9:30am - 4:00pm both days Virtual bar: 7-10pm

2. Add other key dates to your diary

Event briefing: Tuesday October 27 @2pm GMT (30 mins) Content planning masterclass: Nov 26 Coaching calls: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4

3. Connect with other delegates social media before the event.

Join the event Facebook group if you haven't already (and go introduce yourself). Follow our Twitter lists for speakers and delegates. Make lists of others attending the event you'd like to connect with. What are you going to sell? Create your own shareable #2021Sorted images with our Canva templates...and start telling people about the event. We also have generic images here.

4. Research the speakers/sessions and connect on social media

Day 1 Keynote sessions How to plan, create and launch a podcast in 2021 with Colin Gray aka The Podcast Host Launch a profitable online course in 2021 with Janet Murray Self-publish a book in 2021 with Sacha Black How to launch a membership site in 2021 with Membership Guys founder Mike Morrison Launch or revive your Youtube channel in 2021 with Steve Dotto How to launch a live video show with Ian Anderson Gray Day 1 Level Up sessions Level Up sessions are guide discussions that focus on a range of issues that impact entrepreneurs - but dont always get the attention they need/deserve e. g. mental health, dealing with copycats/trolls, running your business around a family & more. You'll hear from a panel of expert speakers, then break into groups (in Zoom rooms) and talk with other delegates. How to be more inclusive in your marketing Copycats, trolls and other troublemakers: dealing with the dark side of online business How to run a business around your kids How to look after your mental health as an entrepreneur How to set healthy boundaries with customers/clients How to stay focused and get things done Women in podcasting Women in tech Day 2 Keynote sessions How to create consistently good content in uncertain times with Janet Murray How to be brilliant on video (even if you're camera shy) with Janine Cummings How to write super engaging content about your business with Jo Watson Advertainment: How to create entertaining content that drives engagement & sales with Dan Knowlton Day 2 Level Up sessions Women in tech Women in podcasting

5. Research ideas for a blog post/Youtube/podcast

Try to find an event angle: For example: Stylist - how to dress for a virtual event Nutritionist - what to eat at a virtual event Social media manager - how to create content for a virtual event Take advantage of event SEO.

6. Update your website

You are going to get more people visiting your website, your social media channels - so why not take advantage of the opportunity? Sort broken links, update offers, take down old offers.

7. Plan your social media strategy

Most conferences and events have a dedicated Twitter hashtag you can use before, during and after the event (#2021 Sorted) which can be a great way to find and stay in touch with other delegates. Hashtags can get pretty busy during events though, so using an app like Hootsuite or Tweetdeck can help you stay on top of things. Some may also have dedicated geofilters for Snapchat and/or Instagram, so if you're active on those platforms, do ask the event organiser about it. Blogging and/or creating social media content before, during and after the event is a great way to stay top of mind with speakers - and other delegates.

8. Stock up on essentials

E. g. snacks, stationery

9. Test your tech

Check your Speed If possible, please use a wired internet connection (i. e. plug directly into your router). This can greatly improve the speed and stability of your internet. Check Devices - If possible, check what other devices you have connected to your internet. iPads, games consoles and other computers can use up your internet bandwidth in the background and downgrade the quality of your connection. And tell the kids to stay off Netflix. Reboot your computer - not always needed, but sometimes a reboot makes sure your computer plays nicely Close down apps - Close down as many apps running in the background. If you have apps running in the background, such as Dropbox, Google Drive etc. These can use up bandwidth and slow down your computer Test your microphone Noise Phones/Alarms - Make sure you silence any phones or devices so you don't get interrupted Interruptions - I know this sounds obvious, but if there is anyone else around, make sure you tell them not to disturb you while were recording! Background noise - If possible, switch off fans or any noisy things in the background (and put children and animals in another room! They're cute but distracting! ) Arrive 10 mins before sessions - make a note of all the links you need etc.

10. Schedule in time for follow up

It's easy to leave a conference full of brilliant ideas - that's what events are all about. Sadly, it's just as easy to get bogged down the minute you get back to your desk, forget everything you've learned and not follow up on the opportunities you've created. Make sure this doesnt happen to you by blocking out a few hours (ideally as soon as you get back to your desk) to reflect on what you've learned and follow up on the connections you've made.

11. Don't be a wallflower

Come to the virtual bar - the socialising is where the best conversations happen. Ask for help if you need it.... we can't help if we don't know. Level Up sessions - perfect for introverts... BONUS: sign up as an affiliate and make back the cost of your ticket! Join my live online event 2021 Sorted  Buy my 2021 Social Media Diary & Planner Join my Build Your Online Audience programme Build Your Online Audience programme Find out more about my Janet Murray affiliate scheme

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  [Bonus] Should you join my Build Your Online Audience Programme? (podcast) [Bonus] Should you buy my 2021 Social media Diary & Planner (podcast) [Bonus] Should you attend my 2021 Sorted content planning event  (podcast) [372] How to build an engaged online audience (podcast) [400] How to build a large audience for a blog, vlog or podcast (podcast)| [407] How to turn boring topics into engaging content (podcast) [422] Behind the scenes of my launch how I sold £10K of planners in 24 hours (podcast)

Om Podcasten

This podcast ended in April 2021. Follow my NEW PODCAST: the Courageous Content podcast on Apple podcasts here: Or on your favourite podcast app here: