Interview w/ Josh Finkler (Community Action Opportunities)

Josh is an Energy Service Technician for a federal weatherization program making homes safer, healthier, and more comfortable. His work in the energy and weatherization space has helped him focus on efficiency in his own home in addition to his work helping the lower-income population of Buncombe County, NC. Tune in to learn what a blower-door test is and why blown fiberglass insulation may sometimes be a more sustainable option than cellulose!    Episode Sponsor: Contact Host:   Show Notes:  Community Action Opportunities - Weatherization Assistance Program - Blue Horizons Project - PACE -

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Co-hosts Ian and Ginger spread the word that utilizing sustainable, green-building principles in construction, design, and urban development is not just morally and environmentally good, but also good business! New methods, materials and technologies to bring down costs and increase productivity are already here, creating a huge opportunity for anyone savvy enough to invest in venturing beyond the current status quo. We at Sustainable Homes of the Future are excited to dive into the details of the green-building "boom" and share our sustainability conversations and interviews with listeners here in Los Angeles and across the globe.