What Price Are You Willing to Pay for Success? Accidental Business Owners #5

Welcome to episode 5 of our new show: Accidental Business Owners. It's a podcast about business, life, mindset, relationships and the inside story of a pretty wild last 12 months. This is the fifth episode in the series, but they are all standalone – so you don’t have to go back to the start and follow along. My name is Steve Holloway and alongside my best mate Seamus Marten, we started a podcast called Between Two Beers nearly five years ago in my Hamilton garage. In quite a surreal series of events, it’s turned into our fulltime job – and along with the podcast we’ve also started two side businesses. In November last year, I was feeling pretty overwhelmed with what my new world was looking like, and so I connected with a business and mindset coach who specializes in helping Accidental Business Owners find their way. Her name is Di Foster – and as you'll soon discover, she’s a bit of a weapon. In this episode the theme is ‘The Price You Pay’, and we talk about some of the unexpected impacts owning a business has had on our personal lives. Lastly, before we get into it - there's a really exciting opportunity available to sponsor this show. I could be talking about your business right now. If this interests you, please get in touch. Also, please follow and subscribe to this Business in Between channel in your podcast app. We’ve got big plans to grow this space, so following, liking, subscribing and all that stuff means the world to us. Enjoy.See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Om Podcasten

“Business in Between” a new podcast from the Between Two Beers studio.  This is a podcast which will trace our journey of building a business and bring you the most inspiring stories from New Zealand business people. In the last 12 months we've left our "day jobs", built a team, taken huge financial risks, learned the numbers, become salesmen, hired a mindset coach, figured out a marketing strategy, and turned a friendship into a business partnership.  We are now running three businesses concurrently and are really excited to lift the lid on it all! To kick it off, we’re exploring Between Two Beers podcast back catalogue across five years to uncover the treasure chest of business wisdom. We’ve re-cut the best business lessons from epic old episodes, and trimmed the fat. We’re all business here! Dion Nash talking Triumph and Disaster, Marc Ellis on Charlie's juice, Tim Brown on All Birds, Lucy Blakiston on Shit You Should Care About, Brodie Kane on Brodie Kane Media, Izzy Whitley on ALH, Duane Dalton on Pita Pit, Luke Kemeys on Keep the Change, Hamish Pinkham on Rhythm and Vines, Steve Dunstan on Huffer….