Hire Slow, Fire Fast

A recent study suggested just 15% of employees are engaged at work. A business is more likely to grow and thrive with staff who are engaged and driven by the right attitude. This module presented by Jeremy Streten, SMS Law takes you through key things to look for when hiring new staff and what to do when an employee isn't working out.Key learning outcomes:· What to look our for when hiring· The process and documentation· Fire Fast and do it rightPlease note that it is highly recommended to download the attached workbook for reference during this module.

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Business Moreton Bay Region understands the importance of empowered small business owners equipped with the right skills and capabilities to succeed at all levels and stages of business.We recognise that to a small business, time is precious. This channel delivers our business support modules to help upskill our region's businesses to create even better conditions to support and empower small business owners to achieve success.