How To Excel At Niche Research And Lead Magnet Ideas With Barbara Carneiro – EP 94

Many entrepreneurs struggle with creating effective lead magnets. Having a process for niche research ensures that your lead magnet attracts the right customers and provides enough value for your customer to want to give you their email address. When your lead magnet is valuable, clear, and effective, you grow your email list faster and have a pool of customers you can sell to. Our guest today, Barbara Carneiro, is a communication and branding strategist who talks about how to research to create an effective lead magnet and the key ingredients in a lead magnet that will increase your visibility and authority in your industry. As a freelancer, knowing how to research and create valuable lead magnets is a skill that will significantly increase your service offering as a copywriter. More About Barbara Carneiro Barbara is the founder of Word Revolution (a communication and branding agency for Christian ministries) and the brain behind The Church Communicator Bootcamp (a training program for accidental church communicators). She is a Christ-follower, forever curious strategist, minimalist designer, storyteller, and geek, and you can make her happy with a white chocolate mocha. Resources From Today’s Show   Find Resources from today's show HERE

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The Business Operations Simplified show provides tactical strategies that help make running your business easier. Are you wondering at what point your business will get easier to run? And, wondering when you will spend less time in your business and more time enjoying the legacy you built? Welcome, fellow business leader. You’re in the right place If you’re a visionary who finds yourself stuck in the minutia of details in your business and you need a breakthrough to scale. Here, you’ll find simple, tactical strategies that improve operations, sales, marketing, and leadership to help your company scale with less time required of you. This is the Business Operations Simplified show where we believe that there’s a way for you to grow your company while you spend less time in it and more time enjoying the business you worked so hard to build. I’m your host, Amber Glus, and on this show, I’ll be your guide to a simple path through all of the details you dislike, so you can spend more time on the tasks you enjoy. Learn more at