S1 Ep 10: Survival and Gratitude

This is a personal episode but one I felt I needed to share. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that seem hopeless, sometimes we go through struggles we are hesitant to share out of fear, and many times we are ashamed to talk about it. My story, my hardships, my heartbreaks have made me stronger and have given me a sense of gratitude for the life I now live and I know that sharing will help someone else. This is the point of pushing past fear and having a voice. Email Segment: Have a question? Email me businessshet@gmail.com Thanks for listening and remember in order for your business to succeed it must be the SHET:  Solve a problem, Help them passed your current stage, Earn respect, and build Trust.  Im out. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

Om Podcasten

Business S.H.E.T is a weekly podcast hosted by Mimi G. founder of Mimi G Style, Inc. and Sew It Academy. Mimi G has built a million-dollar business from her hobby and now shares her experience in starting, building and growing a business in a no fluff, straight-up approach. The podcast will discuss topics of business and self-development that Mimi G wished someone had told her before she leaped into the world of self-employment. Using life experience, business highs and lows and candid commentary Mimi G will be providing actionable insights you can implement to grow your business and change your life.