Epilogue: New Plant Parent

Kristen & Jolenta respond to listener questions about New Plant Parent by Darryl Cheng Kristen and Jolenta's new book How to be Fine is available now [amazon.com]. You can subscribe to Jolenta and Kristen's show, We Love You (And So Can You) on Stitcher, Apple Podcasts [podcasts.apple.com], or wherever you listen to podcasts. We love hearing from you! CALL us at 302-49B-OOKS. Email us at kristenandjolenta@gmail.com, or tweet us @jolentag, @kristenmeinzer, or @bythebookpod. And if you haven't already, please join our By The Book Facebook community! https://www.facebook.com/groups/116407428966900/?source_id=475465442806687 [facebook.com] To get By the Book merch, head over to PodSwag.com: https://www.podswag.com/collections/by-the-book Check out Kristen's other podcasts! The Pursuit of Happier on Knowable https://knowable.fyi/courses/happiness [knowable.fyi] Innovation Uncovered https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/innovation-uncovered/id1516667844 [podcasts.apple.com] Movie Therapy with Rafer & Kristen https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/movie-therapy-with-rafer-kristen/id1508455193 [podcasts.apple.com] This episode is brought to you by: BetterHelp [betterhelp.com/btb [betterhelp.com]], Oscar Mayer [oscarmayer.com [oscarmayer.com]],  Indeed [indeed.com/bythebook [indeed.com]], Sanvello [sanvello.com/btb], Bona [bona.com/antibac], and Jelmar CLR [https://clrbrands.com/] See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

Om Podcasten

Half advice show, half reality show. Join podcast besties Kristen Meinzer and Jolenta Greenberg as they seek advice from experts, and then put that advice to the test. All this season they’re focusing on the loneliness epidemic and the struggles of friendship - from making new friends to breaking up with BFFs. Their goal? To help get you a little closer to fine. The first ten seasons of Kristen and Jolenta's other show By the Book are also in this feed. To hear back episodes, just scroll down! And to hear new episodes of By The Book, go to patreon.com/listentobythebook