Housekeeping Hints
Kristen and Jolenta continue their jaunt through self-help history. This week, the ladies dig into the 1960s with Phyllis Diller's Housekeeping Hints. Will Jolenta be the hostess with the leastess? Will Kristen succeed in the kitchen without setting foot in the kitchen? Kristen and Jolenta's new book How to be Fine is currently available for pre-order. Come out to their book launch party, at The Strand bookstore in New York City on Friday, March 20 at 7 pm. Get tickets on The Strand website here. You can subscribe to Jolenta and Kristen's new show, We Love You (And So Can You) on Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts. We love hearing from you! CALL us at 302-49B-OOKS. Email us at, or tweet us @jolentag, @kristenmeinzer, or @bythebookpod. And if you haven't already, please join our By The Book Facebook community! To get By the Book merch, head over to And a big thanks to this week's sponsors: Magic Spoon, a guilt-free cereal. Go to and use promo code BTB at checkout to get free shipping. The RealReal, authenticated luxury consignment. Get 20% off select items with the promo REAL at Visit to shop a wide variety of Valentine’s Day cards. Use promo code BTB to get 20% off your card purchase. Pretty Litter, revolutionary, lightweight litter that monitors your cat. Head to and use promo code BYTHEBOOK for 20% off your first order.