The Memory Book

Jolenta and Kristen dive into The Memory Book, with the hopes of becoming memory geniuses in two weeks flat. Written by Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas, the bestselling classic promises to help readers do everything from memorize lists to speak foreign languages. But does it actually work?

Have you lived by this book? What book should Jolenta and Kristen read next? Tell us at 505-510-BOOK,, @jolentag, @kristenmeinzer, @bythebookpod. If you haven't already, please join our By The Book Facebook community!

And reminder: Jolenta and Kristen are putting on a live show! Join them July 16, 2017 at the Philly Podcast festival for a live By the Book experience. They'll be at the Trocodero Theater's Balcony Bar at 3:30pm. Tix are cheap - only $11. For more info and tickets go to 

Om Podcasten

Half advice show, half reality show. Join podcast besties Kristen Meinzer and Jolenta Greenberg as they seek advice from experts, and then put that advice to the test. All this season they’re focusing on the loneliness epidemic and the struggles of friendship - from making new friends to breaking up with BFFs. Their goal? To help get you a little closer to fine. The first ten seasons of Kristen and Jolenta's other show By the Book are also in this feed. To hear back episodes, just scroll down! And to hear new episodes of By The Book, go to