Teach Me, My God and King

A brief reflection on John Wesley's adaptation of George Herbert's poem. Download this hymn for free at classichymns.org. Teach me, my God and King, in all things Thee to see, and what I do in anything, to do it as for Thee. To scorn the senses’ sway, while still to Thee I tend; in all I do be Thou the Way, in all be Thou the End. All may of Thee partake; nothing so small can be, but draws, when acted for Thy sake, greatness and worth from Thee. If done t'obey Thy laws, e’en servile labors shine; hallowed is toil, if this the cause, the meanest work divine. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/scottaniol/support

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Join Scott Aniol on By the Waters of Babylon as he delves into biblical principles, historical insights, and valuable resources to help Christians navigate and live faithfully in a post-Christian culture. Each episode provides thoughtful discussions aimed at equipping believers to stand firm in their faith and engage meaningfully with the world around them. Subscribe now to gain wisdom and encouragement for living a Christ-centered life in today’s society. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/scottaniol/support