2024 Proxy Season Preview: More Voting, Less Support

Average support for environmental proposals has declined from 35% in 2022 to 12% thus far in 2024—even as more proposals are going to a vote. Are investors bored with green issues—or is something else causing the decline? Join Steve Odland and guest Merel Spierings, Senior Researcher, ESG Center to find out what environmental and social issues shareholders are focusing on this proxy season, how the Supreme Court's decision on race-based admissions is affecting companies’ diversity-related practices, and why board directors are receiving strong support.

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Welcome to C-Suite Perspectives, a podcast series by The Conference Board. Hosted by our President & CEO, Steve Odland, this weekly conversation will take an objective, data-driven look at a range of business topics aimed at executives. Listeners will come away with what The Conference Board does best: insights for what’s ahead™.