CMOs Must Play a Frontline Role in Driving Profits in 2024

Our latest C-Suite Outlook 2024 survey results show that an economic downturn is still a top concern for both CEOs and CMOs. Yet, CMOs are optimistic, saying they can still drive growth in this environment. What strategies and investments are CMOs planning to use to achieve this—and do they differ from the CEO view?  In this episode of CEO Perspectives, Ivan Pollard, Center Leader, Marketing & Communications, joins President and CEO Steve Odland, both of The Conference Board, to discuss the survey results and the implications for the marketing & communications landscape in 2024.   Tune in to find out:   What’s the CEO perspective on driving growth in 2024—and what role will marketing play?   What investments do CEOs and CMOs believe are needed to drive this growth?   How are the CEO and CMO envisioning AI’s role in these efforts?   What impact do they foresee for their organizations?  For more Trusted Insights for What’s Ahead:   Read: C-Suite Outlook 2024: Leading for Tomorrow  Access our hub: AI—Marketing & Communications 

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Welcome to C-Suite Perspectives, a podcast series by The Conference Board. Hosted by our President & CEO, Steve Odland, this weekly conversation will take an objective, data-driven look at a range of business topics aimed at executives. Listeners will come away with what The Conference Board does best: insights for what’s ahead™.