Headed for Recession? Only 30% of CEOs Think So

The latest Conference Board Measure of CEO Confidence™ in collaboration with The Business Council reveals cautious optimism among US CEOs, with only 30% expecting a recession in the next 12 to 18 months. What do CEOs expect in terms of hiring and wages, and what are the biggest risks they see in the marketplace?     Join Steve Odland and guest Dana Peterson, Chief Economist at The Conference Board, to find out why recession has faded as an immediate fear, whether CEOs plan to reduce headcount, and why they’re especially worried about cyber risks right now.  (00:28) Overview of the CEO Confidence Survey (01:13) Current CEO Sentiment and Market Conditions (02:44) CEO Predictions on Recession (05:10) Labor Market and Wage Trends (07:18) Industry-Specific Insights (13:45) Impact of Interest Rates on Housing (15:59) Tech Sector Dynamics (18:07) Key Risks Identified by CEOs   For more from The Conference Board:  The Conference Board Measure of CEO Confidence™   CEO Confidence Improves Globally, But Little Pain Relief Is Expected for Europe  C-Suite Outlook 2024: Leading for Tomorrow   

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Welcome to C-Suite Perspectives, a podcast series by The Conference Board. Hosted by our President & CEO, Steve Odland, this weekly conversation will take an objective, data-driven look at a range of business topics aimed at executives. Listeners will come away with what The Conference Board does best: insights for what’s ahead™.