Job Satisfaction Is Up, But So Are the Risks for Employers

For the 13th straight year, U.S. workers reported higher overall job satisfaction, according to The Conference Board Job Satisfaction Survey, but paradoxically, all 26 subcomponents of the survey declined from a year ago. What’s causing this disconnect, and what are the risks for employers when it comes to job satisfaction and employee retention?    Join Steve Odland and guest Allan Schweyer, Principal Researcher at the Human Capital Center of The Conference Board, to find out why job flexibility, leadership quality, and focused onboarding are three essential elements of job satisfaction.   

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Welcome to C-Suite Perspectives, a podcast series by The Conference Board. Hosted by our President & CEO, Steve Odland, this weekly conversation will take an objective, data-driven look at a range of business topics aimed at executives. Listeners will come away with what The Conference Board does best: insights for what’s ahead™.