Authenticity and Surrender feat. Sr. Bethany Madonna

“We fear rejection, but living in the mediocrity of being used is painful in a different way because of its emptiness. The Lord wants to free us from that so we can live in authentic joy.” Walking down a busy New York City street in a flowing blue and white habit and veil would force you to really think about your, your motivations, and what you stand for, eh? I got to sit down in person with Sr. Bethany Madonna for coffee at the National Catholic Youth Conferences where we were both blessed to be speakers. For those of us who aren't nuns, Sr. Bethany cuts to the heart of what's important and how to live an authentic life surrendered to God. Surrender has been the hardest, most necessary, and most freeing part of my spiritual growth and I'm THRILLED I get to share this conversation with you. Topics Discussed Finding courage to speak up for what’s right Creating a space for God to fill in your heart The tipping point where Sr. Bethany became excited to be a nun (she didn’t want it for a long time!) God fulfilling the love language of physical touch in religious life Charism of the Sisters of Life We’re all addicted to something Resources Sisters of Life website This episode is sponsored by the Serving the Aged Lovingly Today (SALT) Mission Program hosted by the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm. To learn more and apply for this FREE mission opportunity, visit This episode is also sponsored by Delphina Rose Art. Use code CALLED for 10% off your first order!

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Hearing God's calls for our lives isn't always easy. How do we interpret and understand what God is calling us to, both in our vocation and in other life choices? Join Stacey Sumereau on coffee dates with Catholic friends for insight and inspiring guidance. Stacey toured with Broadway shows before finding out that her dreams weren't making her happy. Her discernment of her future took a radically different turn when Lifetime documented her journey on the reality TV series "The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns." Since then she hasn't stopped searching for God's will! More on discernment at Original music by JF Church.