When God Opens *Then Closes* A Door

How do you handle the emotional rollercoaster when God appears to open and then almost immediately shut a door? Mary Clare had this question and I was so glad she asked! In this episode I'll be sharing how I handle the ups and downs, as well as the perfect parenting principle God uses on us, for our good. (Because TBH I need to be parented :) ) Find all episodes of my show as well as full-length Scripture-inspired workout videos on my website. I hope you enjoy the episode! You can watch it ON YOUTUBE HERE. (and if you susbcribe, like and share while you're at it you'll make my day!)   Thanks for considering purchasing one of my handmade beeswax candles. They smell amazing and the jars are gorgeous! Check out my line of products available on the Catholic All Year Marketplace here!   Do you need a community of like-minded Christians? Join my Patreon community- pledges start at just $5/month! You'll also be supporting ongoing provision of my unique discernment content. Thanks so much for considering!

Om Podcasten

Hearing God's calls for our lives isn't always easy. How do we interpret and understand what God is calling us to, both in our vocation and in other life choices? Join Stacey Sumereau on coffee dates with Catholic friends for insight and inspiring guidance. Stacey toured with Broadway shows before finding out that her dreams weren't making her happy. Her discernment of her future took a radically different turn when Lifetime documented her journey on the reality TV series "The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns." Since then she hasn't stopped searching for God's will! More on discernment at staceysumereau.com Original music by JF Church.