#266 Nobody Else's Business

I tried to share a parenting tip a few weeks ago in a reel, and it was met with so much hate. But interestingly enough, it was also met with a whole lot of love. I want to talk to you in today's podcast episode, Nobody Else's Business, about how letting other peoples' judgements needs to stay out of your home and your homeschool. Click the link in my bio to listen.

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Are you feeling the call to homeschool and you're not sure what to do? Or maybe you are already homeschooling and it doesn't look like what you hoped it would. My name is MegThomas and I'm a certified Life Coach, a mother of seven and a homeschool pro with more than a decade of experience. I can show anyone how to create success in their homeschool, and I'd love to show you how. Are you ready? Learn more at www.coachmegthomas.com.