#281 No Yell November Challenge

It's almost November, and time to get ready for another No Yell November challenge. In today's episode, I share three long term effects of yelling and what it does to your kids. I am also sharing ideas of how to stop the desire to even yell. Go and check out the challenge here: https://www.coachmegthomas.com/product-page/no-yell-november-challenge

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Are you feeling the call to homeschool and you're not sure what to do? Or maybe you are already homeschooling and it doesn't look like what you hoped it would. My name is MegThomas and I'm a certified Life Coach, a mother of seven and a homeschool pro with more than a decade of experience. I can show anyone how to create success in their homeschool, and I'd love to show you how. Are you ready? Learn more at www.coachmegthomas.com.