Music scene round Dublin | IndieRE ep.107 by NEAR FM

The 107th Irish edition of IndieRe promises to be a special episode, featuring a lineup of new releases and interviews with emerging talents from the Irish music scene. Hosted by Patrick Domanico, the show kicks off with Larks, a music project released by Fiona O’Kane, a gifted multi-instrumentalist hailing from Belfast. Following O’Kane's segment is the first interview of the episode with Tommy Cullen, who introduces his solo album "Enjoy the Glow". Continuing the showcase, HousePlants, a duo comprising Bell X1’s frontman Paul Noonan and renowned producer Daithí, presents their track "No Pushover." According to Noonan's interview with Hot Press, Paul says: "'No Pushover, lyrically, is the tale of an outsider, a wannabe insider. I was taken with a story about how Elon Musk and his brother like to talk about The Simulation Argument (that we’re all in a simulation) in the hot tub, and thought – is this the ultimate inner sanctum??”. It is suggested to listen to this song pumping-up the volume of your speakers. Enjoy the second interview of this episode with the rock band Dominda (pronounced doh-mind-dah) offering insights into the origins of their band name. Dominda comprises Ruaidhrí Whelan, Stephen Curtis, Luke Cunningham, Sean Curtis, and Barry Lysaght, promising a diverse and dynamic sound. Wrapping up the show is the Dance/Electronic music project Disfreq, hailing directly from Moville, Co. Donegal, Ireland. Their track "This Is Just A Dream" serves as the perfect conclusion to the episode's eclectic lineup. FEATURED ARTISTS : Fiona O’Kane Tommy Cullen House Plants Dominda Disfreq Produced by Near FM, Ireland. Prepared, announced and mixed by Patrick Domanico. ------------------------------------------------------ INDEPENDENT RADIO EXCHANGE - INDIERE IndieRE is a project co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union ------------------------------------------------------ RADIO CAMPUS FRANCE Radio Campus France est le réseau des radios associatives, libres, étudiantes et locales fédérant 30 radios partout en France. NOUS SUIVRE | FOLLOW US Insta @radio_campus TW @radiocampus FB @radiocampus NOUS ÉCOUTER | LISTEN Site, webradios et podcasts www.radiocampus.frHébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

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