127: Earning 6 Figures by Telling a Story with Sterling Griffin

My guest today went from living in his car to earning six figures a month as an online coach. Sterling Griffin has helped countless clients go from broke to creating wealth and has been featured in major publications including Forbes, Inc, Entrepreneur and Success. He’s quite a personality as you will soon find out. As always I’ve prepared a short rap to help introduce my guest. Here goes … Living in his car, who would’ve thought he’d get this far? Now he’s a coaching star. From financial agony to Wealthy Coach Academy It’s all about the mentality, get real with reality. Hope and pray, maybe another day. Stop waiting, don’t delay. Press the button, go live. You’re not just here to survive. Learn to thrive. Take the dive, Get in gear and start to drive. Experience what it means to be alive. Cash is like hunny from a bee hive.   Now enough talk from me it’s time to listen to the one and only Sterling Griffen   What we discussed: * How to change your mindset about money * How selling emotions is better than selling facts * How to charge more so you attract the right clients * How to make multiple six figures as an online coach * Why Storytelling is the most effective form of marketing * … and MUCH MORE Interesting highlights: * Sterling went from living in his car 6 figures a month * Sterling shares why hiring a coach is crucial to success Sterling’s #1 practical advice:  Wanna join me on my journey to 7 figures?  Join my exclusive FB group now! Resources & Links: * The 5 System Blueprint * The Self Help Addict (My book) * Gefen Media Group (Sponsor)   Did you enjoy this episode? Then please subscribe to my podcast on iTunes, so you can get automatic updates whenever another episode goes live (and you will be helping me get to #1 on iTunes!)

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Learn from Billionaires, Bestselling Authors and World Class Leaders how they got from where they were to where they are today and the exact steps they took to reach success! Daniel Gefen picks the brains of successful entrepreneurs to dig deeper and go beyond the outside shiny appearances. In a world filled with noise and hot air, Daniel cuts through the ego and goes for the heart and gut of each guest to reveal the essence of what it takes to be successful.