Ep. 13 "Body Image Battles"
On this week's "Can't Afford Therapy" episode, Antionette, Josh, and SaVon delve into body dysmorphia. To begin, the trio uses the feelings wheel to express their emotions. Then, they explore the clinical definition of body image and its impact. The cast members share their encounters with body dysmorphia, and they analyze how men and women handle body image in today's society + MORE. Become a Patron of the "Can't Afford Therapy" podcast for all visual content: Join here https://www.patreon.com/cantaffordtherapypodcast Be sure to follow the official "Can't Afford Therapy" podcast Instagram for all episode notifications, related content, and MORE: https://www.instagram.com/cantaffordtherapypod/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D