S2 Ep. 3: Micro-Stressors: "The Small Bricks That Build Stress"

In this episode, SaVon takes the lead in discussing micro-stressors. The focus is on understanding how these small stressors can accumulate and impact our well-being. Examples like traffic congestion, demanding emails, disagreements, tech malfunctions, interruptions, and excessive noise are explored. The hosts also share personal experiences and reflect on how micro-stressors affect daily routines and overall stress levels. Effective strategies for managing and coping with these seemingly insignificant stressors are discussed, such as considering others' perspectives and practicing gratitude. The conversation sheds light on the physical and emotional effects of stress while offering insights on how to reduce and manage stress levels. The connection between micro-stresses and relationships, friendships, and work environments is also explored, emphasizing the importance of being aware of our bodies and paying attention to subtle signals. Overall, this episode provides valuable insights on addressing the underlying causes of micro-stresses and navigating them successfully. Be sure to follow the official "Can't Afford Therapy" podcast Instagram for all episode notifications, related content, and MORE: https://www.instagram.com/cantaffordtherapypod/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D Become a Patron of the "Can't Afford Therapy" podcast for all visual content: Join here https://www.patreon.com/cantaffordtherapypodcast

Om Podcasten

Be a fly on the wall as Josh "Fazefunk," Antoinette (Around The Way Curls), and SaVon (The Need to Know Podcast) hold conversations about mindfulness, self-compassion, trauma, and more. While being vulnerable and allowing each other to open up about each of their individual life paths, this trio will get you thinking about therapy and the universal experience of being human, with all the joy and pain that it entails. Whether you can afford therapy or not, these conversations will make you question how well you know yourself and are in touch with your mental health.