Detention (2011)

In movies, the laws of physics appear to apply most of the time. As viewers we’ve learned to accept that. However, in the on-screen world of director Joseph Kahn, the laws are meant to be challenged, aggressively. How else can one explain the way motorcycles race and flip and (yes) climb about objects within the frame of his 2004 film Torque. You either accept the surrealism and allow the director have his fun, or you don’t. You’ll need to make that decision regarding Mr. Kahn’s new movie, Detention – a conceptual whirlwind that uses the framework of a slasher film to comment on the massive media input high school students are inundated with. And there’s blood, lots; something high school students in slasher films are inundated with. There’s a lot to consider in Detention (I’ll bet most of us were there at least once in High School), so let’s let Mr. Kahn explain.

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