Erica Cerulo and Claire Mazur: Disrupting Female Friendships
Meet Erica Cerulo and Claire Mazur founders of fashion and design site, Of A Kind, authors of Work Wife, and women who are disrupting the power of female friendships. It’s true that Claire and Erica have been joined at the hip since their college days in Chicago and now as they run Of a Kind in New York City. It’s true that Claire and Erica host a hilarious weekly podcast called A Few Things. And it’s also very true that Claire and Erica are a prime example of a female power couple, I mean work wives, who are disrupting how the power of female friendships can drive successful businesses. For too long the stereotype has been that women are catty, emotional, and are too busy competing with each other to build successful businesses. That’s complete BS. You know it and I know it. In fact, you’re probably thinking about your own work wife right now and nodding your head because you know your work is better and you’re more fulfilled at work because of her support, not in spite of her. On this episode, you'll learn: How Claire and Erica built a successful company that they sold to Bed Bath and Beyond in 2015 The new foundation of the workplace that’s being redesigned by female power couples How you can find and support your own work wife Show Notes: 28-Day Career Kickstart Career Contessa Instagram A Few Things Podcast Work Wife Christine Hassler, The Femails, Season One See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at