Georgina Gooley: Disrupting the Pink Tax
Meet Georgina Gooley, the co-founder of Billie and a woman disrupting the pink tax. Shaving companies have always been centered around male narratives—focused on rugged jawlines and age-old troped of masculinity. For many women, we grew up yearning to shave our legs for the first time—taunted by the glossy legs and the message that smooth legs made us “goddess-like.” On top of this—umm interesting—message, we were expected to pay more for our pink, coral, and peach-colored razors. Obsessed with advertising and branding from a young age, Georgina recognized that, while there had been a disruption in the already-crowded men’s shaving space, women were still being under-served and over-charged for our own shaving products. This is how Billie was born. Billie is a female-first shave and body brand aimed towards fighting The Pink Tax and putting women first in an industry where we have remained an afterthought. On this episode, you'll learn: Where Billie came from What sets Billie apart from other brands And how Billie focuses on women’s specific shaving needs—without adding the dreaded “pink tax.” Show Notes: 28-Day Career Kickstart Career Contessa Instagram Billie See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at