Episode 14: What Needs to Get Done to Rank #1 [Ft. Dmitry Dragilev]

Ranking #1 or #2 for your target keyword is every digital marketer's dream. But getting your website to the top of Google takes a lot of work. After investing a lot of time, resources, and brain power to the endeavor, though, it's actually possible to achieve. How do I know? Dmitry Dragilev has done it. And we talked to him about it to get his awesome insights.

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Want to get buy-in for your content marketing strategy? Looking for ways to better track your ROI? Join Fractl Marketing Director Amanda Milligan as she interviews top marketing experts to unveil the answers to one of the toughest questions in our industry: How do we prove the value of our work? [This podcast was formerly Ask Amanda About Marketing. In these earlier episodes, you can listen to answers to some of the most common digital marketing questions!]