Chatterbox #258 – Suzanne’s online yoga class

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the entire world, yet our daily lives must continue! Culips host Suzanne has been taking online classes to become a yoga teacher. Together with regular host Andrew, she discusses her experience of learning to teach yoga through the internet. Fun facts Online yoga is extremely popular. In this episode, our hosts mention a yoga YouTuber named Yoga With Adriene. She has a whopping 8.62 million followers! Expressions included in the study guide * To have [something] under your belt * In that respect * Mantra * To go with the flow * Tailor-made * Streamlined Copyright: For more information about this episode, visit Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free, Step On by Jahzzar

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Learning English is tough stuff, but we're here to help every step of the way. This podcast is for English language learners who want to improve their lives by becoming fluent in English. Our high-quality lessons are free, fun and taught by our expert hosts. Listening to Culips is like sitting in on an interesting chat between good friends. Your fluency, listening skills, vocabulary, and pronunciation will improve naturally as you get to know our hosts and learn about interesting topics and trends in Canada and around the world. Get awesome at English, with Culips!