CIP040: What To Do When Introversion Gets In The Way of Creative Success

If you’ve been listening to this podcast a while, you might have heard a bit about my story - how I left my day job as a professional pixel pusher - I mean, web designer - to pursue my childhood dreams of becoming an illustrator and above all - be able to work from HOME. At the time, I thought it was just the youngest child, red headed rebel in me that provoked my decision to leave my stable 9-5 job in exchange for the free range, freelance life. But for this episode in particular I want to highlight the challenges we face when attempting to build a business or pursue a new career or go rogue like I did and work for youself. This entrepreneurial trend is only growing, and whilst we’re encouraged as introverts to pursue these lofty dreams, I want to be clear that there are some very real challenges that can and will crop up - at least they have in my experience - and more importantly - give you some tools and strategies to actually deal with them. Hopefully it will be of more use than another article on Forbes about introverts are naturals at networking - probably written by an extrovert. Links mentioned: 7 tips for networking (written by an introvert, for introverts) Should I go to this networking event? The ultimate tool for online networking Joanna Penn episode Inner Enemies of Creativity Pitching For Introverts The League of Creative Introverts  

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The Creative Introvert Podcast is the podcast for creatives, makers, artists and entrepreneurs who prefer to work solo. Cat Rose digs deep into the struggles creative introverts face and provides you with actionable tips every week. Topics tackled include: battling fear, increasing confidence, self-promotion without feeling sleazy, and overcoming procrastination.