CIP056: Why, Why, WHY?! Finding Meaning and Purpose
The starting place for any adventure, project, collaboration, big leap, epic change, scary ass challenge that I take on is answering the simple question: Why? Why am I doing this? Why am I really doing this? Why does this matter to me? It's not often I get asked these 'why' questions. More common is 'How'? How do you get the courage to speak on stage? How did you build your website? How do you grow your lnstagram account? These questions are pointless, without first finding your why. But I get why you aren't asking why more. It’s not a question we’re encouraged to ask. At one point, you were probably really good at asking ‘why?’… that was until some big person told you to be quiet and stop being so nosey. Or my personal (un)favourite: ‘I’ll tell you when you’re older.’ My parents have a LOT of questions to answer… Anyway, starting with why isn’t a new or radical idea. You just have to watch the TED talk by Simon Sinek to get on that bandwagon. The reason I’m getting into it today with you, at the start of this 21 day journey into facing the Resistance, is to show you how having your grand Why will help you when it comes to overcoming creative resistance, that inner critic, and finally achieving all your dreams. I realised some time ago the only way I can do something scary, something my inner Resistance is preventing me from undertaking, is to have a damn good reason why. Full show notes: