The Year of Fun?! (An Introvert Experiment)
What is this year of fun? As someone who is obsessed with goal seting, actionable plans and productivity... this year i have decided to do things a bit differently. To try to balance out my type a, INTJ personality, I figured I could choose fun as my one overall theme for 2018. I'll admit: this is not a totally original idea. See the Year of Fun - Sarah did one fun thing every day for a year and blogged the process. I’m not planning one fun thing every day but I am aiming for one fun activity a week, most of which I've never done before. l like an experiment: organised fun may be a paradox for some but for me it's the only way to get me onboard. Actually, the planning of the fun has been... fun. Even before the year officially started. What is this 'fun'? A bunch of activities I imagine will be fun: they feel light, playful, adventurous - not without a sense of risk or challenge. We all have different interpretations of fun, and part of this is to further understand my own idea of fun. Much of these are things I think will be fun (some more so than others) but I'm prepared to be surprised. Challenge is also an element: I know pushing my comfort The gives me a great deal of lasting satisfaction: very different from the short-lived pleasure we (I) often find myself addicted to : chasing comfort and avoiding pain. This, I've found, as many a spiritual seeker before me, have only ever ended in a dog-chasing-it's-tail-like scenario. My hypothesis is that these tasks will change me in some way. At the very least they'll shake my weekends up and give me some stories to tell. How it works: I pick a new predetermined fun activity from my overflowing jar of FUN. Activities are colour-coordinated depending on effort required. Some need people to get involved, or advance booking. Some will definitely not be fun in winter months in the UK, others require a trip to the shops for supplies. But picking one week ahead should give me enough time to plan. Note: most activities will happen at weekends unless I'm busy with less fun activities, in which case I'll make an effort to do that task during the week. I'll also be documenting this process as much as possible, both on the podcast and on my Youtube channel - so feel free to follow along there: I'm aiming to publish once a week about the most recent fun thing I've done and my thoughts on the challenge so far, which may include fun ratings for each activity.