30. QUIZ TIME! Can you talk about colours, clothes, the weather, pets and jobs? - Catalan for Beginners

Send us a text Hola! We have made it to episode 30! This episode brings together our knowledge from the last 4 lessons and earlier episodes too. We have a quiz as always, this time focussing on vocabulary, and then we have a dialogue using lots of language from the last 4 lessons especially, but we also recap a lot of the basics learnt in the first few episodes - let's hope you haven't forgotten them! It's a long one, and we debated splitting it and using some of it in the bonus episode, ho...

Om Podcasten

Hola! We are Alex and Christina, a couple from the UK. Christina is a languages teacher originally from Catalonia and is teaching Alex Catalan right from the basics up to intermediate and hopefully advanced level! We are documenting the journey through these podcasts, so if you are also learning Catalan this will help you learn along with us... .Please get in touch and let us know if you are also learning Catalan! Instagram - @lazylinguistcatalan ... Facebook page - The Lazy Linguist Podcast... We also have a Patreon where you can access bonus content, detailed lesson notes and transcripts to consolidate your understanding and help you make faster progress with your Catalan. You can find it at www.patreon.com/thelazylinguist...In future there is potential to make episodes for Spanish and French learners too, so please let us know if you would be interested in that!