Mohnish Pabrai Lecture at Boston College (Carroll School of Mgmt) - Nov 30, 2017

Distinguished Speaker Series Applied Fundamental Analysis & Worldly Value Investing Professor Arvind Navaratnam (00:00:00) - Introduction (00:02:41) - Compounding is the 8th wonder of world (00:14:12) - Wilson’s Coin Operated Company (00:22:02) - Warren’s obsession about compounding (00:24:38) - Rule of 72 (00:32:18) - Mr. Money Mustache (00:34:28) - Rate of compounding (00:39:09) - Compound 26% (00:46:22) - Mindless Cloning (00:54:11) - Comparative advantage of a Hedge fund (01:00:55) - Portfolio Management (01:06:50) - Kelly formula (01:08:59) - Thou shall not forecast recession (01:16:23) - Best source of ideas (01:20:11) - Market trends and Passive investing (01:26:53) - Doing the best job as a manager (01:33:51) - Insurance business (01:34:51) - Entrepreneur’s Advantage (01:37:44) - Investing in Commodity Businesses (01:42:33) - Technology and Investment (01:43:45) - Insights on Charlie Munger (01:48:47) - Difference in profit and non-profit world; Dakshana Foundation (01:52:47) - Advantage of being Part-time Investor  

Om Podcasten

Mohnish Pabrai is the founder and Managing Partner of the Pabrai Investments Funds, the founder and CEO of Dhandho Funds, and the author of The Dhandho Investor and Mosaic: Perspectives on Investing​.