Derrick Kosinski & Scott Yager break down the ENTIRE CAST of Season 36, Double Agents. Plus a recap of the Challenge Mania Awards Winners & last Saturday's Zoom, including Nelson Thomas' heartfelt acceptance speech from Saturday's Call.To hear the ENTIRE Challenge Mania Awards Zoom Call, head to www.Patreon.com/ChallengeManiaCheck www.ChallengeMania.Shop THIS FRIDAY for our massive BLACK FRIDAY SALE on Hoodies that will run through MANIAC MONDAY!www.Brooklinen.com ALSO has their biggest sale of the year coming up. Be sure to use the code MANIA for 10% off and FREE SHIPPING!

Om Podcasten

MTV Star Derrick Kosinski (@DerrickMTV) & actor / comedian Scott Yager (@SHOTOFYAGER) dive head first into the MTV Challenge universe, interviewing past, present and future contestants, breaking down Challenge news and episodes, and laying down new challenges to anyone and everyone.