False Teachers in the Church Today

From the blitz of social media tags to the millions of videos on YouTube calling out and labeling everybody and their mom a false teacher, it can get contentious and confusing trying to figure ought who is speaking the truth of God and who is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. In this episode, Jason’s guest, Allen Parr, YouTube sensation and pastor, offers seven identifications of a false teacher.

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Do you struggle with knowing what to say and how to say it when a controversial topic arises? "Challenging Conversations," hosted by best-selling author and worldview expert Jason Jimenez, is a conversational podcast designed to help Christians overcome their fears and learn to engage people of a different view or belief system respectfully. You will gain insight as Jason and his guests get into deep conversations about the Christian faith and discuss how Christians ought to be defending the gospel as they speak the truth in love to those around them.