Keaton Garnet - Digital Marketing Apocalypse - Part 1

Brain Hurt Scale = 8/10. Why is Apple all about privacy all of a sudden? Why is it so vogue for governments around the world to legislate user data protections? Take a trip back in time all the way through to the present to understand where it all started and where it's going. From the birth of Google Analytics, the cookie, UTMs through to Meta and Google ads, conversion columns and everything else in between. Why do we no longer hear the story about the stay-at-home mom who found online retailing success by mastering Facebook or Instagram? Why was there a mobile app boom that's since fizzled out? In the second half we then talk about the implications of the privacy crackdown. What this means for the industry supply chain and all the participants. Especially digital marketing platforms like Google, Meta and programmatic display. Is everyone operating in time that no longer exists and in denial? Why don't they want to change? Find out answers to all these questions by pressing play

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Uncovering the secrets behind world-class commercialization strategy for senior executives - garnished with tech & Champagne. Learn from people who've bridged the strategy gap between planning, execution and measurement. They'll have battle scars to show, skin in the game and money in play. Most aren't famous but there's zero commercial agenda here, so heeding their wisdom is priceless. Listen to an episode if you dare, but you've been warned. There's no going back. Keep taking your blue pills - or press play