Yaniv Bernstein - Operational Strategy - How getting the right things done, is a growth driver - S2 Ep2

Over the years, I've noticed the potential for teams and companies to grow, is often hampered by none other than a lack of operational hygiene.  Most business coaches and mentors will simply give advice that largely boils down to perspective, mental fortitude and operational discipline.  Often our perspective when working inside a business and industry can become warped.  We're inside the institution. We're part of the organization's culture. We're indoctrinated by norms and specific standard processes. But, where are the checks and balances? Who is asking whether that's the right way to do things? Are these the right jobs to do? Is there a better way to do it?  Marketers will, by default, obsess over designing creative content and forget about the need to pierce human attention. Engineers love to write beautiful code and solve difficult problems, but can easily become disconnected from the customer. Meanwhile, product managers can obsess over feature releases, but fail to check if anyone would use them in the first place. We can all get so caught up in our production bubble that we forget to reflect on why we are doing that work in the first place. Sometimes it takes someone external or above that ecosystem to set things straight. Sometimes that person is a really good COO.  While some can view operations as a boring topic. I disagree. It's one of the most overlooked, least-talked about, underrated and powerful growth drivers in organizations, large and small. Sales, marketing, product, and growth included.  So in this episode, we’re talking to Yaniv Bernstein a 10 year veteran software engineer from Google, former CTO/COO of Airtasker, a startup in Australia valued at half a billon dollars. More importantly, he’s worked at both large and small companies and now consults with clients all around the world. This episode is essential listening for CEO’s or founders at tech companies. It’s essential listing for chief operations officers or other people in a managerial or operations role. But even if you are a small business owner or founder, you'll pick up some very valuable tips.  We discuss what an operations manager does. How to set up measurement systems which avoid being gamed by employees. How to view operations as more than just an intranet full of standard operating procedures.  And how to keep teams motivated, on task and collaborating effectively, in order to get what needs to be done - done. Why does poker have to do with good management? Why is it so essential to understand Goodhearts law? How do you get the most from your employees without making them quit? All of these questions and more are answered by downloading or pressing play.

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Uncovering the secrets behind world-class commercialization strategy for senior executives - garnished with tech & Champagne. Learn from people who've bridged the strategy gap between planning, execution and measurement. They'll have battle scars to show, skin in the game and money in play. Most aren't famous but there's zero commercial agenda here, so heeding their wisdom is priceless. Listen to an episode if you dare, but you've been warned. There's no going back. Keep taking your blue pills - or press play