Solving Classroom Emergency Situations through Power Platform with student Lewis Baybutt | #LessCodeMorePower

Join Dona in this episode of Less Code More Power as she talks with secondary school student Lewis Baybutt of the United Kingdom. In collaboration with a few members of his school's staff, Lewis has leveraged his Power Platform, SharePoint Online, and M365 skills to build an "On Call " app. The app allows classroom staff to request immediate support from colleagues in the case of emergencies or medical situations. Dona and Lewis will discuss his background and walk through a demo of the On Call app. Call to Action - Lewis shared two calls to action/homework for you. First, if you are thinking "that looks really cool and I want to development something custom in an easy solution, then Power Apps is for you." Take a look at SharePoint, create a SharePoint List, tie it to a Canvas App., and add form and a gallery. Second, when building your Power App make sure to consider your enduser. Try to make the user experience easy. To learn more about Power Apps and Power Platform consider these resources: Free Power Apps Udacity Course – Learn Power Platform App Maker - Microsoft Learn Power Platform Fundamentals –

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