12. What is tantra energy? Meet Mahara McKay

I, Charlotte Cronquist, met Mahara McKay in Arambol, Goa, India this winter. In three days she created a tantric tribe, from a bunch of unexperienced and brave people. That went in to the tantra energy with all their hearts, body and presence. Three days into the journey I meet Mahara for a talk - meet her, her vulnerability, her love and presence. And feel the presence of Mother India. One of all the teachers I come across on my own tantric journey.

Om Podcasten

Charlotte Cronquist är kärlekskrigare. I charlottepodden möter du henne och fler människor som följer sina hjärtan. Charlotte är också bloggare, författare och skapare av ”Lekfull tantra” som finns som bok, kurs och onlinekurs.