491 - So, about that new Wampler Germanium Tumnus pedal then...

Brian, Blake, and Richard are back for an all-new episode of the Chasing Tone Podcast!Brian welcomes us with tales of the sheer mania that occurred when we released a limited edition pedal that sold out instantly and he now wants to start manufacturing diodes for a living. There is some chatter about the technology inside the new Germanium Tumnus, the guys try to dispel a few common myths, and Richard tells us how he managed to break Google - and then invents something completely useless.&nbs...

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Chasing Tone Podcast! Join Brian Wampler, Blake Wyland, Richard Oliver, and other guests as they talk about guitars, guitar pedals, amps, and other guitar gear, answer questions, and discuss all things guitar related as well as how to get the most out of your gear to get the best guitar tone. There will be a healthy dose of off-topic nonsense as well as a look at all things happening in the world of guitar, music, our work at Wampler Pedals, and the music industry in general. If you suffer from G.A.S. or just simply like to listen to gear podcasts, you'll love Chasing Tone.