Chat with RA's OG chair Amanda Barnes

If you have a question about Rotaract and you live on the East Coast of Australia odds are you will be told to contact the guest of this podcast episode. One way or another Rotaractors and Rotarians around New South Wales, Australia hear about the mighty Amanda Barnes. A Rotary resumes which spans five pages, Amanda had been active in the Rotary and Rotaract space for the last decade - and she says a partnership with Rotary on some level was inevitable. The only role Amanda has...

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Chats by Rotaract Australia aims to fill in the gap left by dozens of cancelled in-person networking opportunities caused by COVID-19 and connect Rotaractors, Rotarians and clubs doing exciting things. Season 2 of the podcast launches on September 19 2021. The podcast is hosted by Rotaract Australia's Laura Telford and Holly Corbett. Together they have close to two decades of experience in the media industry and are passionate about sharing stories that inspire.