Chats with veteran Rotaractor Katey Halliday

Katey Halliday is a past president and charter member of the Adelaide City Rotaract Club and recently joined the Rotary Club of Adelaide Light. She has also served as a team leader, coordinator, and trainer for Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), and now a participant in the inaugural RYLA Oceania Program. She is a project officer and training facilitator in the Diversity and Inclusion Branch of the South Australia Police.Katey said down with Chats by Rotaract Australia host Laur...

Om Podcasten

Chats by Rotaract Australia aims to fill in the gap left by dozens of cancelled in-person networking opportunities caused by COVID-19 and connect Rotaractors, Rotarians and clubs doing exciting things. Season 2 of the podcast launches on September 19 2021. The podcast is hosted by Rotaract Australia's Laura Telford and Holly Corbett. Together they have close to two decades of experience in the media industry and are passionate about sharing stories that inspire.