I’m in Burnout, What Do I Do (Pt. 6): Trust Your Gut

How many times in your life have you heard “trust your gut” and felt like “cool, great but what does that mean!?” After the last couple years of survival mode, gut feeling or intuition can easily be confused with a fear response, but it’s not the same thing. In this episode, the final installment in this 6-part series on surviving burnout, Nikki talks about what it means to trust your gut/intuition/inner knowing; why for so many of us, a relationship with our gut has been underdeveloped, discouraged or punished; how to determine what’s your gut vs what’s fear; and exercises tips and tricks to build a stronger relationship with your gut.  If you’re looking for additional support in building your relationship with your intuition, join Nikki for a session nikkiinnocent.com/coaching.

Om Podcasten

Have you felt different or wondered if something is wrong with you because you don’t fit nicely into one box? Have you felt “other”? Join host Nikki Innocent, a holistic career coach and leadership expert, on Checkbox Other, a podcast that celebrates the power of being different. Nikki invites leaders, experts, and everyday people to share their stories, and she also provides her expertise on topics such as identity, authenticity, vulnerability, and career advice with empathy, humor, and heart. If you are seeking validation or inspiration in your unique life experiences then you have found your community. You will gain new perspectives, insights, and resources coming out of each episode. New episodes every Tuesday. Visit nikkiinnocent.com/podcast for show notes. Subscribe, share, and rate!