Find Your Shoes | Finding Your Purpose Pt 2 Series
Part 2 of her two Part Series "How to Find Your Shoes!" Certified Life Purpose Coach Cheryl explains the process of identifying your the greatness | fit | and what you have been groomed, positioned and prepping for... Her Points: * Get your feet wet: Hangout/Give it a try * Doing what fits: What feels right? Your comfort level. * Walk in it a minute: don’t force to fit / don’t give up before developing... * Appreciating the journey * Knowing Where you belong: it takes being Flexible at Growing Into Shoes. (may feel a little bit right night but you will grow into YOUR shoes! * Allowing environment and Self to manifest synchronize, blend, conform & blend. * Living by Godly principles... Now Go 'Find Your Shoes!' More about Cheryl and her programs: Get Your Life Back Academy: Blog: Audio Podcasts: * Apple Podcast: * Soundcloud: * Google Podcast: #findingmyshoes #findmypurpose #lifeaftercoronavirus #belonging #findingmyself #howtofindyourvoice #lifecoaching #findingmyvoice #lifepurposecoach #mindset #optimism #optimistic #positivity #speaker #cherylyhoward #howtobeconfident #learn #motivational mindset #transformation #purposefinder #howtonotgiveup #howtostaymotivated #howtofindmypurpose #lifehacks #howtofindanewjobaftercoronavirus #howtostartmyownbusinessduringcovid-19 #motivational mindset #transformation #purposefinder #survivingcorona #howtofindanewjobduringquarantine #quarantine #2020