How To Use Your Brain To Feel Good Anesthetizing Effects On The Body
So, God gave us the ability and inner tools such as OUR BRAINS THAT CAN BE USED TO HELP US FEEL GOOD via neurotransmitters-sending messages from brain to body. After a brief TWO MINUTE & THIRTY-SEVEN SECOND intro about myself and purpose, we are going to focus on releasing stress relieving hormones that create an anesthetizing effect on our nervous system and body with a Biblical factor. This information will also give you insight on why people who pursue a life doing what they love to do and are passionate about, makes them happiest than those working at a job that they hate or can't fully grow in. or that individual who is not engaging in activities they love, like and passionate for. I wanted to share one of the course topics in my LEARNING TO LOVE YOU MASTERCLASS AND SELF-CARE AUDIT WORKSHOP AT GET YOUR LIFE BACK ACADEMY WHICH YOU CAN CHECK OUT NOW AND ENROLL IN any of my workshops. CHERYL Y. HOWARD'S GET YOUR LIFE BACK PODCAST: iTunes Apple Podcast: ... Soundcloud: Google Podcast: YouTube: IN THE GET YOUR LIFE BACK ACADEMY WORKSHOPS: 1. Purpose Passion Finder Workshop: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 2. How to Write An eBook/Book In 30 Days: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 4. Learning to Love You Workshop: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 5. From the Page to The Stage Virtual Summit: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 6. Self-Care Audit Virtual Workshop: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... EBOOKS: 1. Purpose Passion Finder Workshop Journal: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 2. Loving On You: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 3. Self-Care Management Workbook: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 4. How to Manifest Inner-Joy, Gratefulness & The God-factor: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 5. How to Write An eBook | Self-Publishing: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... MINISTRY/PASTORAL COUNSELING: Healing For Your Soul Ministries: https://healingforyoursoulministries .... #brainandbody #selflove #howtofeelgood #peaceofmind #mentalhealth #stressreliefhormones #challengecorebeliefs #renewingthemind #dopamine #serotonin #cognitive #socraticthinking #blackmentalhealth #oxytocin #corevalues #corebeliefs #REBT #CBT #rationalemotivebehavioral #mentalhealthcoaching #blacksocialworker #blackcounselor #blacklifecoach #lifeppurposecoach #empathycoach