Impact Of Father's On Daughters Audio
A passionate topic "Father's Presence & Impact on Their Daughters Self Esteem." My guest and I discuss the empowering and influential impact a father has on his daughter's self-esteem and confidence. I got to sit down with J'ai who is a talented, insightful and a Believer who is intentional about being an emotionally and spiritually involved father. He shares some of the dynamics between he and his daughter. He has an eight year old daughter and their bond is strong. J'ai keeps an open line of communication, engage in sports activity with his daughter and spends quality time with her. * You can find J'ai on his channel J'ai on IG: mrchoix_hc IN THE GET YOUR LIFE BACK ACADEMY WORKSHOPS: New!!! Purpose Passionpreneur Insiders Club: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 1. Purpose Passion Finder Workshop: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 2. How to Write An eBook/Book In 30 Days: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 4. Learning to Love You Workshop: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 5. From the Page to The Stage Virtual Summit: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 6. Self-Care Audit Virtual Workshop: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... EBOOKS: 1. Purpose Passion Finder Workshop Journal: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 2. Loving On You: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 3. Self-Care Management Workbook: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 4. How to Manifest Inner-Joy, Gratefulness & The God-factor: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 5. How to Write An eBook | Self-Publishing: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... 6. Authentically Becoming Your eBook: https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... ---------------------- PODCAST: iTunes Apple Podcast: Soundcloud: Google Podcast: YouTube: Spotify: Podbay: