Pick It Back Up! That Gift, Talent, Skill, Passion & more
Pick It Back Up! Got Talent, a Call, Gifts, Skills & a Story to Use? On that note. What I have to say today is to move to those of you who are sitting on your hands. When I say hands, I mean gifts, talents, dreams, skill set, genius, brilliance and experience. Maybe you have buried, hidden qualities or forgotten treasures that you carry. Whatever the case, PICK it Up Again! Wait For It! “IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO STIR UP AND USE YOUR GIFTS” SELAH! God will resurrect your gift and passions. PICK IT BACK UP! Join My PURPOSE PASSION FINDER WORKSHOP: I created this work-guide for you if you are still wondering what your WHY, PURPOSE or PASSION is. You may actually have an idea but need some steps to assist with zeroing in... You know that there is more of you to bring to the stage of your life and make a positive impact on others. And... Finally, you are ready to operate in your passion, and live in and on purpose! https://get-your-life-back-academy.te... Follow My Blog for inspiration, motivation, transformation and more: https://getylifeback.com/blog/ My Services, Programs: http://www.cherylyhoward.com/ Request for Speaking Engagements: http://www.cherylyhoward.com/Cheryl-S... Watch my Purpose Passion Finder Virtual Workshop Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXY5q... How to Recognize Signs of The Time (PURPOSE) Pt 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9GWE... Breakthrough Stagnation From Purpose!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGuyH... Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/cheryl.gety... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cherylhoward... Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/CherylYHoward/ ____________________________________________ #useyourpassion #walkinpurpose #monetize #brandyourself #usewhatsinyourhands #multiplestreamsofincome #purposedriven #entrepreneurship #faith #christianlifecoach #skills #findyourpurpose #cherylyhoward #godgiven #gifted #talented #skillset #lifecoaching