Season Of The Push - Birth

Listen to God and Write the Vision down. How many times do we have to hear God before following His directives. No more acting as if you don't know the passion and greatness inside of you that needs manifestation. God can make your name great. God enlarge your territory. This is season to push forth that purpose you're carrying. I'm your midwife right now...PUSH!

Om Podcasten

Certified Life Purpose Coach, Speaker, Preacher, Best Selling Author, Pastoral Counselor, Cosmetologist, Certified Mental Health Professional. Subscribe for tons of transformation, inspirational, motivational and empowering strategies, spiritual and prophetic insight, ministry, interviews with experts, leaders, entrepreneurs, people with stories of triumph. Also, we share overall wellness talk on healthy relationship building, purposeful living, entrepreneurship, personal growth and more. I'm also a mother of one phenomenal, multi-talented adult daughter!