Your Present Situation...Your Opportune Time

Your Present Suffering Can Be Your Opportune Time to Move forward. Sometimes it takes situations such as a catastrophes, financial crisis or losses to move us towards our destiny or successful journey. It’s as if there has to be a shaken up of things in our lives that pushes us to move. God many times uses our suffering to move us inward, outward, forward and upward that can benefit us in positive ways.

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Certified Life Purpose Coach, Speaker, Preacher, Best Selling Author, Pastoral Counselor, Cosmetologist, Certified Mental Health Professional. Subscribe for tons of transformation, inspirational, motivational and empowering strategies, spiritual and prophetic insight, ministry, interviews with experts, leaders, entrepreneurs, people with stories of triumph. Also, we share overall wellness talk on healthy relationship building, purposeful living, entrepreneurship, personal growth and more. I'm also a mother of one phenomenal, multi-talented adult daughter!