Your Present Suffering May Be Connected to Purpose

Are you asking yourself "Why am I going through this?" or "How long will I go through this?" I get it! I too have found myself in tests, trials and troubling situations naturally... but I have also experienced the lessons, strengths, tools, empowerment and preparation produced in the midst of it that positioned me for purpose. Let's talk more about it...

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Certified Life Purpose Coach, Speaker, Preacher, Best Selling Author, Pastoral Counselor, Cosmetologist, Certified Mental Health Professional. Subscribe for tons of transformation, inspirational, motivational and empowering strategies, spiritual and prophetic insight, ministry, interviews with experts, leaders, entrepreneurs, people with stories of triumph. Also, we share overall wellness talk on healthy relationship building, purposeful living, entrepreneurship, personal growth and more. I'm also a mother of one phenomenal, multi-talented adult daughter!